
Powrót do « Wydarzenia

Listopad 2004

List z Kabulu z podziękowaniem za pomoc:

From: Zabiullah
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: more information about Balkh and Andkhoi

Dear Beata,

Greetings from Kabul. >From 44 boxes that we had received, we delivered 34 boxes to the Teacher Training Department of University of Balkh. In this department around 800 students (boys and girls) are studying. The university is located in Mazar city.

4 boxes of school bags have been distributed in one of our schools in Mazar-e-Sharif. The name of the school is Khwaja Abullah Ansari Primary school which has around 250 students (boys and girls). Most of the teachers of this school are our old teachers of Haripur Camp in Pakistan. Another 7 boxes of books have been delivered to our two big English courses in Andkhoi where students between age of 9-25 are studying English in different grades. The number of students reaches 500 in both centeres.

We really appreciate your help and assistance in providing useful books for the above mentioned institutes. And we hope that you will continue your support.

With best regards.


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