29 czerwca
Najtrudniejszy jest wybór – gdy miliony ludzi są w potrzebie, a wszystkim nie możesz pomóc. A miliony są w potrzebie , pilniej potrzebie. Trzydzieści dolarów pozwoli przeżyć ośmioosobowej rodzinie przez miesiąc. To jak odroczenie wyroku. Wyroku śmierci głodowej. Oczywiście wcześniej można zginąć pod saudyjskimi bombami. Zerknijcie na dwa teksty od Fatika z Sany. Teksty otrzymaliśmy dzisiaj. Za chwilę zrobimy kolejny przelew. Chcesz pomóc? Bardzo zapraszamy.
Yemen is the poorest state in the region. with almost 29 million inhabitants. Most of living in a very poor condition and almost they are living on assistance provided by the international community.
In March 2015, Saudi led coalition started its war against Houthis, who controlled Yemen since September 2014 and to restore the legitimacy of Prsident Abdurabu Mansour Hadi after being forced to flee to Saudi Arabia.
As a result of this war, Saudi airstrikes have killed and injured over 35279 people in #Yemen. And forcing 3 million people to flee their own homes seeking safe areas. And there is 22 million people in dire need for assistance and
8 million people are on the brink of famine.
Over 50,000 children have died from hunger last year.
Actully, when we read the numbers of the war, it breaks our heart, as the whole world is ignoring our suffer in the country.Mona Relief has started working in the humanitarian relief field since 2015 in Yemen. And since then we have targeted 41000 families in across Yemen with food packages, medicine, clothes and other stuff. Our new project with School for Peace organization in Poland will focus in targeting IDPs and most vulnerable families in the capital Sanaa with food aid packages, because there a lot of families are waiting our assistance due to the latest situation in the country.
We are thank School for Peace organization for helping Yemenis with food packages.
As a matter of fact, the current situation in Yemen forces several families to seek assistance from everywhere. As the most families that we are almost targeting with food aid packages most of them didn’t have enough food for their children. And if the parents have food for their families they can’t offer them more than one meal a day.
Most families have no enough food, or money to buy food for their families because the government didn’t pay their salaries for almost 2 years.
When our team visited the target families, they shocked because those they are in dire need for everything. Based on our team survey we determine which families need the urgent assistance or not. But we realize that all of them needs our help.
We are almost targeting IDPs , vulnerable families, disabled, and people with special needs.
We deliver wheat, sugar, rice, cooking oil and milk.
Fatik Al-Rodaini
22 czerwca
Przeogromnie dziękujemy Agencji Celnej MMPJ w Bydgoszczy za nieocenioną pomoc. Wysyłka malutka (materiały papiernicze i sanitarne) – bo tylko tyle było miejsca na pomoc humanitarną, ale bez cła nie pojechałoby nic. Wszystko powoli wyrusza w stronę Bośni. Czekamy na relację z wydawania pomocy. Pozdrawiamy wszystkich zaangażowanych w tę wysyłkę i jeszcze raz dziękujemy Pani Ewie i Pani Barbarze z MMPJ w Bydgoszczy.
4 czerwca